EMG Movement Analysis
EMG is the recording of the electrical activity of muscles and is a means of physical exploration and testing the integrity of the motor system. Electromyographic analysis can provide a basis for optimal positioning of the exercise or movement pattern assessed.
![Static1.squarespace .png](//www.strattonspine.com/images/uploads/static1.squarespace_.png)
Who is it for?
- anyone who is having chronic issues in their sport due to faulty movement patterns
- athletes looking to perfect their form and sequential firing patterns
- individuals rehabilitating from injury where imbalances need to be measured and addressed
What do you get?
- EMG analyzation of firing patterns allows us to identify muscle weakness and imbalances
- real-time firing patterns of chosen movement
- corrective exercises and methods to increase balance and use of less active muscles
- kinetic chain integration as well as implementation of corrective exercises and revised movement patterns
- discover limitations before they become injury